Art kits for gifts! Build your own, we can help!

We have so many awesome art kits and sets at The Art Store for Christmas, at great prices too! But they aren’t always the perfect fit… What to do?

Just Ask the Art Store Elves!

This week you can make your own kits and sets! Buy any three items off of our make–a-set tables in our Creative Christmas Village, and we will take 15% off the MSRP at the register.

Check out our Christmas wonderland of artistic gifts!


That’s right, make your own custom kit and still get a deal! Want oil paint, crayons and colored pencils? Sure, that’s a kit. We believe in your individuality!

What can make a kit? Anything in our Christmas gift idea room!

If you only need one thing, use this handy coupon below to save this week.

Prescott Art Store Coupon Art Supplies Christmas



Happy festivities and we hope December has been bright and colorful for you! See you at The Art Store!



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