The Art Store is looking for a new minion!

minion-skyAlden is leaving us in hopes of finishing her college degree. We don’t think she will have much trouble in doing so. You may want to stop by the store to cheer her on!

However, we will need to find another minion to offer great customer service in the premier art store of Arizona.

To apply, you only need to do so online by clicking on our contact menu button on the front page of our new website. The application begins after our regular contact form. This new online application is taking over our physical need of a paper-based application. No need to send a portfolio to us……the need is for a clerk, not a working artist.

Have a resume’? Most of our questions can be answered by copying and pasting into our online application’s text boxes. Easy to do. Easy to send to us since we are open 24 hours a day online.

Please do not call or come into the store directly to leave off an application or resume’. We are usually very busy serving the greater northern Arizona area’ art material needs. There will not be a physical application available for you to take. You can email us a digital copy of your resume’ by sending it to Please submit the resume’ referring to your online application already submitted by date.

You will be contacted only upon reviewing your application and the needs of the store.