The Art Store carries everything you need for your next art journal! We have all kinds of papers and covers, plus paints, glue, colored pencils, handmade papers, and more to fill up the insides with your creative musings. Check this post out for ideas on how to create artistic journals, and to see many of the journals we carry. There’s even more to choose from at the store, so come visit us and pick up your next journal and supplies! We want to share a great article on artistic journaling while we feature our supplies. Draw on, fellow artistic travellers!

Strathmore’s Visual Journals are our most popular journals, for good reason! Durable ring binding and tough covers cradle delightful papers in many different textures and surfaces for all kinds of media.
We found an article by Sara Barnes about Art Journals that we thought you’d love! Enjoy…
How to Combine Drawing and Writing into Deeply Personal Art Journals
You might have heard that keeping a journal is a great way to record your thoughts and understand your emotions. Typical journaling involves only writing—but for those who are more visually inclined, an art journal is a great alternative.
What is an art journal?
An art journal is a visual diary; it combines elements of writing, drawing, painting, collage, and even printmaking to express yourself. This includes your everyday life, as well as your bigger hopes, dreams, and fears. A single page will often fuse words and illustrations to offer a look at what’s going on inside your head.

Why keep an art journal?
If you are someone who journals, you already understand the benefits of getting your thoughts on paper. Doing so offers a way to de-stress and to sort through complicated emotions. As a result, you gain self-awareness and feel empowered.

We carry these wonderful handmade watercolor books in several sizes. They’re a great foundation for an expressive art journal!
Above all, art journaling is a way to practice self care. It encourages you to take a little time for yourself—even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day. When you look back at what you’ve written, drawn, or stamped, you can gain valuable insight into the challenges in your life.

Venzia books are well priced and have delightful acid free drawing paper inside. A ribbon bookmark saves your place, and fabric binding is super durable!
How to Start an Art Journal
Art journaling is completely customizable depending on your skills and interests. Many people choose to use mixed media and adorn their pages with drawing and painting materials. The most important thing when beginning your art journal, however, is selecting the right book.

There are many considerations when it comes to picking your journal. Size is one. If you enjoy making large drawings, for instance, then a bigger book might be best. Art journals look great when you fill the page, so whatever the size you choose, make sure it complements the way you like to work. Another characteristic to think about is the type of pages that are in the book. Since it’s a good chance you’ll be using mixed media, select a journal whose paper can handle both drawing and painting—and lots of it.
Watercolor paints or watercolor pencils
Acrylic paint
Colored pencils
A variety of pens, from fine-tipped to thick brushes
Glue sticks (for collage)
Old magazines, newspaper, or other interesting papers
Creating an art journal is all about you, but sometimes you need some help to get started.
Introduce yourself! Draw or paint a self portrait.
Draw some of the items you bought recently.
Create a map of you favorite place, real or imagined.
Draw a favorite childhood memory.
Go for a nature walk and collect flowers or leaves. Write about your walk and why you gathered these items.
Paste old photos and doodle on top of them using marker.
Fill a page with geometric shapes.
Illustrate what’s in your bag.
Draw your favorite pet.
Hand letter an inspiring quote or personal mantra.

Some of our cork, fabric and textural journals! Milan pens and sharpeners are a special treat.