We have new colors! Daniel Smith Watercolors has introduced some fabulous new colors for your watercolor palette.
These new colors are in stock at the Art Store now!
About the new colors:
Red Jasper Genuine A lovely pinkish, cool brown in light washes and a medium reddish maroon in mass tone, think red cedar bark, our Red Jasper Genuine is granulating, semi-transparent, non-staining and has excellent lightfastness. Red Jasper Genuine is a wonderful color for landscapes, birds like the male common chaffinch and reddish egret, as well as animals who have a medium to light reddish coat like the red panda.
The mineral for our Red Jasper Genuine comes from India’s Gwalior region and is colored a rich red from iron. Historically it was often carved as amulets, vases and other decorative items. India’s red jasper was one of stones used to beautifully embellish the Taj Mahal with other semi-precious stones that were carved and inlaid into the white marble in curvilinear flower forms. The flowers formed from red jasper are a vivid red and contrast beautifully with the green jade stems and leaves against the white marble. Spiritually, red jasper is associated with the base or root chakra and helps to ground and energize/heal the body and provide balance and protection.
Gray Titanium Single pigment Gray Titanium is a mid-tone warm gray with slightly yellow undertones, and is semi-transparent, granulating, non-staining and has excellent lightfastness. The color and granulation make it wonderfully useful for dusty desert animals such as deer, elephants and tortoises, and for birds whose feathers offer good camouflage for blending into dry woodland, savanna and desert like the roadrunner and burrowing owl. In landscapes, granulating Gray Titanium is beautiful for trees and shrubs whose trunks, branches and twigs are light colored and textured. Urban landscapes benefit from Gray Titanium as well with light washes suggesting concrete structures. As a single pigment, Gray Titanium mixes wonderfully with other colors adding both warmth and softness due to its semi-transparent/semi-opaque characteristic.
Joseph Z’s Warm Grey, developed by Joseph Zbukvic, which he describes as; “…perfect for strong summer light when shadows have that rich warm glow. It’s particularly useful for painting late afternoon light effects with its pinkish glow when it’s diluted into lighter washes. It can capture that evening glow perfectly.”
Part of our Signature Series, Joseph Z’s Warm Grey is very dark in mass tone with the slightest pink undertone in light washes, it mixes beautifully with other colors, both toning down and adding a hint of warmth. Joseph Z’s Warm Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.
Joseph Z’s Neutral Grey, developed by Joseph Zbukvic, which he describes as; “…perfect for those strong, New York type cityscapes. When undiluted it is basically black and can provide powerful monolithic shapes without looking chalky. It gives a look of charcoal drawing or old-fashioned photographs.”
Part of our Signature Series, Joseph Z’s Neutral Grey is a rich black/gray, very dark in mass tone and because it has almost no color bias it mixes beautifully to tone down colors. Joseph Z’s Neutral Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.
Joseph Z’s Cool Grey
“…I designed this grey to use for those frosty morning and rainy winter day paintings. It has a lovely
greenish sediment which is perfect for low light, early morning light effects. I think this is a must for anyone painting winter scenes.” -Joseph Zbukvic
Part of our Signature Series, Joseph Z’s Cool Grey is very dark in mass tone with interesting, slightly green/violet tones, it mixes wonderfully with other colors toning them down and add a bit of lush coolness. Joseph Z’s Cool Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.
Jane’s Grey is a unique color in the market. Most grays, whether Payne’s Gray, Neutral Tint or others, are made with a black pigment, and often phthalo blue is included. Artist Jane Blundell wanted a gray without the often-dulling effect of a black pigment, and without the staining effects of phthalo blue. She wanted a gray that was liftable and granulating to create the lovely look of stormy skies and softened shadows. It will also work as a neutral tint, darkening colors without changing them. Using a gray that is made with palette colors maintains color harmony in an artwork. Many artists mix ultramarine blue and burnt sienna as they work, but no one was making this gorgeous mix as a convenience color, so she did to make it easy to create rich darks with ease. Initially she mixed it in individual pans and palettes but the demand from her students meant she started to make it in tubes.
A few years ago, Jane asked DANIEL SMITH to make her Jane’s Grey easily available to artists everywhere. Now available as part of our Signature Series, Jane’s Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.
Alvaro’s Fresco Grey “A very powerful and true hue, with no artificial look to it. Passionate and mysterious, great to evoke distant elements of any kind even the unknown…I love the hue.”
Alvaro’s Fresco and Caliente Greys, as he describes them, are about;
“…magnetism, fury, energy…power. You know greys… create a feeling of danger, emotion, passion… mystery…evoke things that are unknown…darkness. I use these greys to create a painting that has a magnetism…energy, mystery, passion…something to discover, entering the unknown, darkness. Both of these colors have just this type of feel to me.”
-Alvaro Castagnet
Part of our Signature Series, Alvaro’s Fresco Grey, a cool midnight in mass tone and a cooling mist in washes, it mixes well with other colors, toning them down and adding a touch of coolness. Alvaro’s Fresco Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.
Alvaro’s Caliente Grey, “is a terrific hue, very powerful, excellent to create strong and warm paintings. In monochrome this wonderful Grey is perfect to achieve a powerful atmosphere with amazing glow. This color is also perfect to add dramatic highlights and shadows.”
Part of our Signature Series, Alvaro’s Caliente Grey, a smooth, warm velvety grey on its own, mixes wonderfully with other colors toning them down and adding warmth. Alvaro’s Caliente Grey is semi-transparent, non-granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.