Colors: Oil or acrylic (1=standard or required, 2=suggested)
The next numbers are your pigment numbers
Titanium White (1) (PW6)
Lamp Black (1) (PBk6)
Cadmium Yellow Light (1) (PY35)
Cadmium Red Light (1) (PR108)
Alizarin Crimson (1) (PR83)
French Ultramarine Blue (1) (PB29)
Cerulean Blue (1) (PB36)
Viridian (1) PG7, PBr7)
Yellow Ochre (1) (PY43)
Burnt Sienna (1) (PBr7)
Burnt Umber (1) (PBr7)
Raw Umber (2) (PBr7)
Paynes Grey (2) (PBk9,PB29)
Cadmium Yellow Deep (2)( PY35)
Permanent Rose (2) (PV19)
Dioxazine Purple (2) (PV37)
Cobalt Blue (2) (PB28)
Naples Yellow (2) PBr7, PY74, PW6)
Instructor is recommending Graham or Gamblin but is not limited to this. Gamblin, Jack Richeson, Graham, Aqua Duo, Winsor is usable in the class for oils.
Additional equipment needed:
- Compass with pencil
- Disposable paper pallet 12 x 16 (Richeson white or grey, student’s choice)
- Roll of TP or paper towels and plastic grocery bags
- (2) approximately 10oz. non glass containers with airtight lids (for turps and water)
- Palette knife (mixing knife)
- (HB) pencil
- Kneaded eraser
- Roll of 1″ Scotch tape
- Canson brand Recycled XL Bristol Tablet size 11 x 14 or 9 x 12
- Portable drawing board 23 x 26 with clips or use ‘duct tape” to secure the canvas or paper sheet
- Canvas pad 16 x 20 (10 sheets) or 16 x 12 or 12 x 9
- Brushes:
Rounds, synthetic (sable like) short handles #’s 0 & 3
Filberts, synthetic, long handles #’s 0, 4, 6, 10