Announcing our monthly Prescott Art Store Art Contest! June 2019
It’s time to submit your entries for our monthly Prescott Art Store Art Contest! June 2019
Impress us with your original art! Flex your creative muscles and show your work at The Art Store. For the first two weeks of the month while accepting submissions, we’ll hang all of the contestants’ work behind our counter. The winner, selected by us, will have their art featured prominently at The Art Store for a month! If you win the monthly contest you’ll also get a goodie bag from the Art Store!
We’ll also announce the winner and feature their winning artwork in our regular email blasts, on our Instagram and our Facebook pages.
Bring your work in starting Saturday June 1st! The deadline is before closing time, June 14th. Read on for the rules… and come show off your work!
Rules and guidelines:
Submissions must be no larger than 12″ X 16″ including the frame
Only the first 15 entries will be accepted!
We start accepting submissions at the first of each month, and all submissions must be in by the 14th of each month.
Must be ready to hang! Art that isn’t ready to hang will not be accepted. Wire Hangers work the best with our galley hangers. No adult content. We’re a family friendly store
Art that lacks appropriate protection will not be shown. For example, no loose pastels, no wet paint, no push pins, no paper items without protective covering.
Artists must be willing to give permission for us to share their work on our website, blog and social media pages. Proper credit will be given to the artists at all times.
Submit all work at The Art Store, 537 N. 6th St. Prescott.
Questions? Call 928.443.0749 or email at