Perfect Weather For Studio Time

tumblr_m27d3vbRkk1rto2weo1_500It is time to check your palette for the fresh, new colors of winter.

If you need some ideas or art materials to inspire you feel free to stop on by. For the new year the Art Store is offering many new art materials for your creative enjoyment. Scroll below to see the “new products” section for more details.

Visit our “Art Classes” section to view our new class and samplers for this month. With a little instruction from our instructors you too can make some art for the enjoyment of yourself and others.

Most of these items have been requested for years. The Art Store finally had some time to organize and fit in what you have been wanting. To be sent promotions on our new items, make sure you are receiving our newletter by clicking the “Artistic Insider” on the left.

This month the Art Store is offering many new discounts on art supplies, you can view our promotions here. If you WANTED to be the first to know, the newsletter is the best way to stay informed.

Don’t forget that many of the new items below can be ordered through our new web store found at our website. You can even do this from your favorite chair in the house in your pajamas while waiting for your newly painted Jacquard projects to finish drying. You only need to click on the large button below or find it on the front page of our website.

Disclaimer: In-store items’ prices will vary from our web store. Some prices offered will be better on our web store, some will be better in-store. Please always remember that if you will be using the “picking up in-store” option you do have to fill in the shipping address due to the need to verify your credit card.