July Spotlight: Comic Generation Class

This week, the Art Store presents a comic generation class with Jan Marc Quisumbing. If you have interest in making comics and want to learn the ins and outs of the business, this class is for you. This July & early August class will go over the many aspects of the comic and cartooning world:13113005_1048121141917439_3229164818536936240_o

  • Editorial Cartoons
  • Comic Strips
  • Caricatures
  • Sequential Art
  • Portfolio Development
  • & Comicon 101

There is a process that an artist must go through to come up with their ideas for successful comics and/or cartoons. Jan Marc will share some of his favorite techniques while 13599777_1086992088030344_7289330663038445676_ndiscussing and working out ideas with the class.

The Janimal is a northern  arizona illustrator who loves to find humor in what others may not be informed of. Teaching classes for interested parties on how to practice your craft and be successful at is one of Jan Marc’s passions. He also enjoys organizing comicons locally (recently with Cottonwood). Comicons are all the rage so Janimal will review what to expect and how to work with them.  The class will also share with you the basic needs of a professional illustrator and their studio. Pictured at left is where the Janimal works up his ideas. Talk about a creative atmostphere!

Artists have used comics and cartoons for hundreds of years by using skill and satire to question authority and draw attention to corruption and other social ills. This is only one of the styles he will be reviewing. See a recent cartoon shown at right pertaining to our recent political atmosphere. Ouch…….yea what has happened?13178562_1056114207784799_7496162475292169180_n

This class will not repeat from month to month since Jan Marc does attend comicons and similar events regularly as well as has many deadlines for his professional artist career.

To register for this class, please contact us at the art store or register online to reserve your space. The button below will take you directly to the registration webpage.  You can also find this class on our monthly scheduler.

This class is being offered to beginners and more advanced students. Students must be at least 12 years of age. A basic knowledge of human anatomy is recommended but not required. Bring your sense of humor and your cap of creation with a +2 of charisma.

The class fee is $125.00 for four 3-hour sessions on Saturdays from 1 to 4pm. The class starts on the 16th of July upon four or more students registering by the end of the day on July 14th. The following Saturdays (July 23rd, 30th & 6th of August) will be the other offered time slots for this class.

1377369_10152304208033642_1134349432_nClass supplies are not included with this class fee. Required supply list can be found here.

If we are lucky, the Janimal will invite his son to the class to inspire us all! Yea he likes to draw as well.

The Janimal will be sharing with us some of his editorial cartoons this week, stay tuned to be entertained every day until this class starts.