Caroline Linscott Workshop Announcement

We are excited to announce the two-day introductory watercolor workshop with Caroline Linscott.

This internationally published watercolor artist and seasoned instructor has graciously offered to teach a workshop at the Art Store.

In her words, “Watercolor is a very exciting medium to work with. Oh so many ways to use it……some say that it is the most difficult painting medium, that you can’t make a mistake. Well….not always true. Learning the basic techniques will take you far in your painting experience. Hope to see you at the Art Store on the 30th and 31st of August.”

If you are excited about learning from a very talented watercolorist with a strong student following, you can sign up online by visiting our scheduler here. You can also call or come by the store to reserve your space. The details of the workshop can be found within the scheduler. Handouts are also available in the Art Store near the studio.

Caroline Linscott’s portfolio can be seen here.